the spiders are darker and they look like they have brown color.These are main enemies of Player at the beggining.They are dealing highter damage than wrathes but,they are less common.They can kill player faster but,they can be defeated by wrethes.When an brown spider and wretch are getting close,Wreth can be seen killing Brown.They cannot be killed by player,when it throws something at it,it just chases him still.
Spiders (Wreth)
they seem to be more lighter than brown and they have Diffrent color.At the time,when player escapes the Wooden Caves,The wrethes are capaturing the Wooden Caves and are killing brown spiders.they are more common than brown spiders but are dealing smaller damage than Browns.Even by that,Wrethes are always winning with Browns.Until the Rex comes in.They CAN be killed if player has nearby weapons or has an lighter. If players throws something at them,they can fall to ground for some seconds,letting player to Escape.
Tamed Spiders

- They are attacking player only when he gets close to them.They also can be called "Boss Spiders" because they have jumping ability and can crawl on walls.The rex is leader of browns but the Tamed spider also has control under them.Tamed spider is just patroling areas and does not wanna attack player.Only when he is getting close to him,making him nervous.
Gigantic Spider(Known as the Rex)
He`s the leader of all brown spiders.he`s gigantic and it kills player in one hit.He does not have infecting ability but,he does not need it as it kills in 1 hit.Rex can be seen in many moments for example,when player goes back to Wooden Caves to search for Spider Hater.Boss Spiders are defending the Rex.The bosses are not trying to attack player until it makes them nervous but,when player tries to get close to rex,they directly attack him like wrethes or browns.
Gigantic creature created by Japanese peoples.It can actually Attack from laser he sows from it`s mouth.
It`s still not maked and it`s still not known if the monster may be released.If it will,It would be a Miniature Godzilla If people would want it.But if they would wanna make it giant,then it will be.
Do u remeber this guy? He can be only seen when player is near to the Kennel Village and can be encountered only after a time when the player escapes the wooden caves.
They only can be seen when player is in David house or As Hallucilations.They are harmless as they are hallucilations so,they cannot be encountered normally. there are 2 Halluclations. One of it,looks like real.
Giant Worm

He cannot be killed,only caved in.It`s an rare monster cause it almost appears only as hallucilations.
Can be encountered in Marshal`s Office and at Wooden Caves.It`s slighty bugged but can attack.
Upcoming Creatures :
Still thinking about something.
Godzilla[We converted HL2 .mdl godzilla`s model to .obj along with Maya and Other programs.But still needs to be animated.]
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